
± The breathing house in Neufreimann, Munich

We are proposing an urban building block for Neufreimann-Munich, fully in line with the idea of the living European city and at the same time modular and serial in the sense of economical housing construction. The streets are spatially defined, the first floor zones with the HUB and outdoor spaces connect the building community with the neighborhood community.

People live in social structures of varying degrees of closeness. There are people who live together, families, relationships, friends, neighbors, people who know each other by sight, who greet each other on the street, who work together. These differences in size and composition can be depicted on different scales and, above all, made possible.

The central place is the courtyard. The residents meet, see and greet each other - this is the level of the house community. The apartments are accessible via arcades, which offer communal areas on each floor - this is the level of the floor community. Only two apartments at a time have shared access - this is the apartment community level. This differentiation and small-scale structuring of the communities is the basis for a coexistence that is at least low-friction and maximally stimulating.

The core areas of the apartments are the defined rooms: the bedroom, the bathroom and the toilet. There are also neutral rooms that can take on a wide variety of roles.These can be added to or removed from apartments, offer community or enable cohabitation.

Larger apartments can add or remove a room (control room) and can thus adapt to the needs or life cycle of the residents.Small apartments can come together as a shared apartment, where both have their own private area with bathroom and bedroom and a shared cooking and living area.

Two adjoining apartments can share a room (common room) as a common playroom, workroom, music room, cinema or similar. The common room is accessed from the outside via the arcade and is used as a single room by the building community or floor by floor for home offices, as a guest apartment, sports room or similar.

Competition: 2023
Residential units: 100
Living space: 7,000 sqm

Client: Kooperative Grossstadt eG
Landscape: friedburg & Co. Landschaftsarchitektur, Berlin